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SMS mission statement 

At SMS, we are a community of learners working together in a safe, creative and challenging learning environment which encourages collaborative problem solving with students, parents and the community so that our students can develop into productive and contributing members of society​.


Absent work

It is up to the students to get their work from being absent. If a student is absent one day due to sickness, their assignments will be due in- class two days later. If a student misses a number of consecutive days, due dates will be determined by the teacher in case by case situations. If a student is to miss class due to a school activity, they must get their work ahead of time. 


Late work

Late work will be accepted with a 10% penalty as long as it is turned in during the 9-week grading period. 


Homework hour 

Students may stay after school from 3:20-4:20, Monday through Thursday to work on homework in a supervised setting. Students must arrive to the homework hour classroom by 3:20. Parents need to make transportation arrangements for students who are staying after school for the homework hour.


Independent Reading Requirement

The state of Oklahoma requires every 6th grade student to read for 20 minutes each day. In order to ensure students are reading, they will be required to complete an independent reading assignment each quarter. This assignment is very important and worth 100 points (an entire test grade). For more information about the assignment, take a look at the "class resources" tab and you will see the instructions posted. 


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